Wednesday 12 February 2014

Research Continued.

Research continued...

So continuing looking for artists who specialised in light drawings photography to compare what i want my pictures to look like, i stumbled upon a sight dedicated to light drawings and has competitions every month for people who specifically like light drawings. 

This sight is where i came across Michael Bosanko. 
And other artists who specialise in light drawings such as, 
Trevor williams.

Trevor Williams.

As well as Bosanko has a big passion for light drawing he has made one of the single greatest contributions to the light painting movement with his founding of the Flickr group Light Junkies.
His work ranges from simple images such as this one with a difficult technique..
And can look like a hard picture to create but infact is easy with just a laser light machine like this one...

I'd like to do something along these lines of really expressive in my pictures so this is why i chose to research Trevor Williams as one of my artists. 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Research : Michael Bosanko

Michael Bosanko.

Although michael bosanko does normal photography, he is extremely passionate about his light paintings and makes sure they turn out perfect. He's ranged his light paintings from recreating famous pieces by Banksy to Vincent Van Gough, and some of his more simpler ones such as logo's & fonts.

So Bosanko has created many images in the dark now i have to look at someone who has done it in the day time! 

Introduction & Project Proposal

 Light Drawings.

Project Proposal.

i ain in this assignment to research and produce light painting images in day light. 
First things first, i wil be developing my ideas of simple light drawings to possibly complicated ones. to compare what i am aiming the images to look like Michael Bosanko's work. 

Michael's work ranges from strange light paintings such as this one and some simpler work with orbs and stick people. He uses digital but this being a fujifilm assignment i will be shooting on colour film. 
what i had in mind besides the light drawing is to create a story board with it. Whether its going to be stick people fallig in love. A rainy day, or even just something simple like writing words. 
In our previous fujifilm assignment it was based on colour and we actually researched and experimented with light drawing. 
a lot of the light paintings we did were in the dark room so not in daylight like i intend but thats why, because i want a challenge and to try something i havent tried. 
Patrick Rochon is another light paintings photographer i will be looking at to see what techniques he uses. 
I want to use different colours in my light painting images that i take.