Wednesday 12 February 2014

Research Continued.

Research continued...

So continuing looking for artists who specialised in light drawings photography to compare what i want my pictures to look like, i stumbled upon a sight dedicated to light drawings and has competitions every month for people who specifically like light drawings. 

This sight is where i came across Michael Bosanko. 
And other artists who specialise in light drawings such as, 
Trevor williams.

Trevor Williams.

As well as Bosanko has a big passion for light drawing he has made one of the single greatest contributions to the light painting movement with his founding of the Flickr group Light Junkies.
His work ranges from simple images such as this one with a difficult technique..
And can look like a hard picture to create but infact is easy with just a laser light machine like this one...

I'd like to do something along these lines of really expressive in my pictures so this is why i chose to research Trevor Williams as one of my artists. 

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